Historical Dictionary of the Berbers (Imazighen) . . 2014.

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  • Armée Révolutionnaire de Libération du Nord Niger — (ARLN)    One of many Tuareg armed movements in northern Niger struggling for liberation against the armed forces of Niger. It is guided by Mohamed Abdoulmoumine. Its arena of activism and operations was, however, constricted by a second group,… …   Historical dictionary of the berbers (Imazighen)

  • Arlon — Original name in latin Arlon Name in other language Aarle, Aarlen, Arel, Arlon, Arlonas, Arloni vald, Gorad Arlon, Orolaunum, QON, a er long, aleullong, arln, arlwn, aruron, rlon, Арлон, Горад Арлон State code BE Continent/City Europe/Brussels… …   Cities with a population over 1000 database

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