Front de Libération de l'Aïr et de l'Azawad

Front de Libération de l'Aïr et de l'Azawad
   One of the major Tuareg liberation fronts, from which many factions splintered in 1993 because of French and Algerian influences, specifically the Armée Révolutionnaire de Libération du Nord Niger (ARLN) and the Front de Libération de Temust (FLT). Led by Ghissa Ag Boula, its historic leader and also former vice president of the rebel coordination group, the Coordination de la Résistance Armée (CRA), the front claims to represent both Aïr and Azawak. It was created by young Tuaregs in 1991 in response to the government of Niger, which failed to withdraw its armed forces from the region and to establish a decentralized federal system in the country. In 1993, the FLAA signed a peace agreement that resulted in an exchange of prisoners and a long period of peace in Niger.

Historical Dictionary of the Berbers (Imazighen) . . 2014.

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