Front Populaire pour la Libération du Niger

Front Populaire pour la Libération du Niger
   A major dissident group established with the objective of overthrowing President Seyni Kountche of Niger. Led by Abdoulaye Diori, the son of ex-President Hamani Diori, it was responsible for an armed attack at Tchin Tabaraden by 14 Libyan-trained Tuareg. The rebels attempted to seize arms and ammunition for use in further planned raids by the local Tuareg population. This attack was defeated by the national army. The FPLN had its headquarters in Libya and a coordinating office in Tamanrasset in Algeria. In the 1990s, several members of the FPLN joined the Tuareg rebellion.

Historical Dictionary of the Berbers (Imazighen) . . 2014.

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