Front Islamique Arabe de l'Azaouad

Front Islamique Arabe de l'Azaouad
   A rebel group made up of Tuareg and Maures and established by Zahabi Ould Sid Mohammed. It was created in 1991during the negotiations of Tamanrasset, Algeria, in response to the persecution and repression of Tuaregs and Maures in Gao and Timbuktu, Mali. The FIAA participated in the negotiations with the Front Populaire de Libération de l'Azouad (FPLA) and the Mouvements et Fronts Unifiés de l'Azaouad (MFUA) at the National Conferences of 1991 and 1992. The FIAA was supported by Algeria and recognized by Mauritania.
   The bulk of its membership bases had an Islamic and Arab orientation, with a large number of refugees in Algeria and Mauritania. During 1990-1995, the FIAA continued its military operations in the north of Mali. At the same time, it was entangled in conflict with other Tuareg rebel groups. It was also accused of perpetrating violence and running a campaign of intimidation in southeastern Mali.

Historical Dictionary of the Berbers (Imazighen) . . 2014.

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