`Abd Allah ibn Yasin

`Abd Allah ibn Yasin
   Theologian of the Malikite school of law, professing puritan convictions, descended from the Jazula, one of the Sanhaja tribes nomadizing in the Sahara. Invited by the Guddala and Lamtuna tribes, he went preaching among them and led a rigorous campaign against practices that he considered contrary to the shari`a and proceeded to build an Islamic community (1042-1059). Soon, however, Guddala opposition to his strict religious norms caused Ibn Yasin and his followers to withdraw to an island along the Senegal River. There he created a militant reforming movement, a ribat, sustained by the holy war for the defense of the spread of the faith.
   Within a short period of time, this small community of Murabitin was joined by other adepts and led by Ibn Yasin, who founded the historymaking Almoravid Empire.

Historical Dictionary of the Berbers (Imazighen) . . 2014.

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