
   Popular Muslim religious order in Niger and Senegal. It almost replaced the Qadiriya, previously dominant in the region. It was founded by Ahmed al-Tijani in `in Madi, in the region of Laghouat in Algeria in 1782. Because of Turkish military efforts to subjugate the region, Ahmed al-Tijani left `in Madi and settled in Fès in 1788. Although he followed various tariqa (Darqawiyya, Nasiriyya, and Wazzaniyya) and because he was not a sharif, he claimed inspiration from the Prophet and so did not subscribe to the prevalent Jazuliyya/ Shadliyyah traditions in Morocco. In the following centuries, the Tijaniya spread its influence into sub-Saharan Africa. In the context of colonial resistance, the order managed to support the French colonial schemes in the region. The order has three main zawiyas-`in Madi, Fez, and Tamasin-with its leader in `In Madi holding the title of khalifa.

Historical Dictionary of the Berbers (Imazighen) . . 2014.

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