
(plural Igudar)
   The term denotes a fortified granary for common use by a number of families with a separate storage for each one of them. This ancient institution served not only for the safe storage of food but also as a stronghold in the intermittent intertribal warfare. The families constituting such agadir communities are connected by blood ties through a common ancestor or through neighborhood relation with the village. Its old usage as fortification is still anchored in the names of various localities in the Sous, the Rif, and the Atlas in which the term agadir occurs accompanied by a topographical feature as in Agadir Nuflla. Agadir is also the name of the city of Agadir in the Sous region. In western Algeria, the ancient town of Agadir, today in ruins, gave way to present-day Tlemcen.
   See also Chaouia.

Historical Dictionary of the Berbers (Imazighen) . . 2014.

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